As to the bearing, of the following, which statement is not true?
A.ff overheat is found, the engine must be stopped for inspection
B.Much heat of the crankcase door indicates that the bearing is overheated
C.If bearing clearance is too large, knocking will be heard in the crankcase
D.If bearing clearance is too large or too small, the white metal may be melted
上一篇:In the combustion chamber, the part whose surface is exposed to the highest temperature is the().
下一篇:As to the piston cooling, of the following, which statement is not true?
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- 热门题目: 1.气缸套的内径增量ΔD=()( 2.大型低速柴油机气缸套外圆表面 3.气缸套内圆表面主要有()等损