Which of the following methods is normally used to lubricate bearings in a small high-speed diesel engine?
A.Splash lubrication
B.Pressure lubrication
C.Sight feed lubricators
D.Mechanical lubricator
上一篇:A large change in ambient temperature, or using an oil of a viscosity different from the one recommended by the manufacturer in a mechanical hydraulic governor, will result in the need to adjust the().
下一篇:Friction developing between the moving parts of a governor, governor linkage and control valve will cause the governor to().
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- 热门题目: 1.当气阀阀面出现麻点、腐蚀时可 2.当气阀阀面烧穿出现边缘孔洞时 3.排气阀阀杆磨损超过标准要求时