(中译英)洗手间在客舱后部。 A.The lavatory is in the front of the cabin. B.The toilet is at the back of the cabin. C.The lavatory is in the rear of the cabin. D.The toilet is over there.
上一篇:(中译英)我们现在进入客舱。请您坐稳扶好。 A.Please hold on. We are descending. B.We are entering the cabin now. Please hang on to your chair. C.I’ll take you down after the plane has stopped. D.Holon, please. There is air turbulence.
下一篇:(中译英)您好。这是为您准备的酒水单和餐单。 A.Excuse me, here is the wine list and menu for you. B.May I help you with the table? C.May I present it to you now? D.Can I take it away?
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.()包含二极管的电路能采用叠 2.与普通X线摄影相比,CT最突 3.智慧零售中起关键作用的两个工