After a normal, or safety shutdown, automatic combustion control systems for an auxiliary boiler are designed to prevent the immediate refiring of a burner in order for the().
A.furnace to be re-purged
B.electric charge to buildup in the igniter
C.fuel pump to restart
D.dram level to stabilize
上一篇:Passages are drilled in the crankshafts of diesel engines to provide lubricating oil to the().
下一篇:In any diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the lowest pressure exists at the().
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- 热门题目: 1.在更换液压拉伸器的密封环时, 2.液压拉伸器活塞顶部设有泄放旋 3.上紧和松开主机贯穿螺栓所用的