(中译英)请您留下宝贵意见。 A.Thank you very much for your valuable advice. B.Could you let me know? C.Would you please give us some valuable suggestions? D.Coulyou do me a favor?
上一篇:(中译英)您好。这是为您准备的酒水单和餐单。 A.Excuse me, here is the wine list and menu for you. B.May I help you with the table? C.May I present it to you now? D.Can I take it away?
下一篇:(中译英)飞机马上就要降落了。 A.The plane is descending. B.We will be taking off. C.The plane will be delayed for a while. D.We will be landing in a short while.
- 我要回答: 网友(
- 热门题目: 1.根据2020清单计价定额,以 2.我喜欢什么样的人生,平稳安定 3.在利用利率互换进行信用套利时